Saturday, September 29, 2012

Meet Valentine!

Here's what Valentine had to say. I, for one, am challenged by his sincerity and the respect with which he approaches the task we are all about to take on for the Lord. I hope you will be challenged by his attitude of service, as I was.

Have you ever been to India before? No. What's your connection to India? My Father loves India a lot. He even sent His Son to die for the people of India (and for all others, too) and that's why I love them, also. Besides, I have a lot of brothers and sisters there, and I would love to meet them for the first time! Any interesting stories or memories? Not yet, but wait until I come back: I won't stop talking about it!

How did you decide to go on this trip? I had the desire to go for many years, but I did not have a convenient opportunity. However, after taking the Kairos course, I realized that Jesus did not wait for the convenient time, so neither should I.

What do you feel your role is on the team? I feel blessed to be a blessing. The honest answer-- I don't know what my role is! But, I am thrilled to be a part of the team.

What are you most excited about doing in India or as part of the team? To attend and serve others; to meet my Indian brother's and sister's and worship our Father together.

What do you think will be your greatest challenge? Communicating clearly; however, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength!" It's His mission, not mine.

And last of all... What is your favorite Indian dish? It is hard to say because I have had Indian food only a couple of times. However, I enjoyed everything I ate at that Indian restaurant where we went to as a team. The best part is that I can eat with my hands. :)

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