Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meet Jim!

Here is the result of my "interview" with Jim. I love the memory he shared with us.

Have you ever been to India before? Yes, on several occasions. What's your connection to India? My son married a beautiful Indian lady with an incredible Christian family. Any interesting stories or memories? India is interesting and the stories are abundant, however one of my fondest memories is when I had the opportunity to worship with believers in a nearby village. Totally spontaneous and very impacting!

How did you decide to go on this trip? I'm always challenged by the work done for the Kingdom in India. So, when the opportunity presented itself to be apart of a short term mission there, I had no hesitations. I'm going!

What do you feel your role is on the team? Supporting and encouraging.

What are you most excited about doing in India or as part of the team? I'm most excited for the team to find out what ministry is all about.

What do you think will be your greatest challenge? Preparation for the many lessons.

If you've been to India before, what do you think is the biggest difference between India and America? Materialism and the caste system.

And last of all... What is your favorite Indian dish? The one in front of me when I'm eating. It wasn't always like that.

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