Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Prayer Requests

Thank you for everyone's prayers! Below is a schedule with specific prayer points. All prayer is helpful. Thank you, again, for this most powerful form of support!

Monday, October 8th. Packing day. It is important to be ready for the trip and have all we need. Sometimes this can be stressful or hectic. Pray for wisdom to pack everything we need and nothing we don't.

Tuesday, October 9th. Leaving Fresno in the early morning. Pray for all of us to get to the airport on time, to pass the security and customs without any problems. Pray for all of the connection flights to be on time. Pray above all for safe travels.

Wednesday, October 10th - Friday, October 12th. Rest from the long travels and visiting Delhi. This is an important time for us to rest after a long trip and to get adjust to the new time, new culture. We also need to get energized before the Big Job! Pray for safety, team unity, and God to prepare us in all ways for our mission. Pray for our health as we adjust to the new environment, food, and water.

Saturday, October 13th. Travel to India and spend time with those in need. This could be a time of culture shock especially for those of us who have never been to India before. But, it is also an awesome time to meet our brothers and sisters in India!

Sunday, October 14th. Day of worship and fellowship with the local church. We cannot wait for this moment! This will be a great time to praise God in different languages, declaring the wonders of God – almost like the day of Pentecost! Pray for the Lord to begin His work in the hearts of those who have not surrendered themselves to Him. Pray for the Lord's blessing on this awesome time.

Monday, October 15th. Day of preparation. Today we will set up and decorate the meeting place. Pray for unity, peace, health, courage, and wisdom. Continue to pray for safe travels for the attendants.

Tuesday, October 16th.  Pray for God to enable each member of our team as we will be speaking. We need God to speak through us; we need God to make us say what He wants to say. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in that place. Some of us have years of experience in public speaking, others have none or little, but it doesn't matter for we are each an instrument in God's hands, a conduit of the Holy Spirit to bring His message. Without Him we cannot do anything, but with Him all things are possible!! Also, pray for protection from those who oppose Christianity. Satan does not like what we are doing and he will try to disrupt our time of meeting, worship, and service.

Wednesday, October 17th. Pray for us to stay uplifted, strong, and healthy to proclaim God's words with courage. Also, continue to pray for unity and peace as we are serving the Lord and our brothers and sisters. Pray for the Lord to continue to use us and speak through us. Pray for their hearts to be receptive and for us to be able to encourage our brothers and sisters as they are serving the Lord in a very hostile situation.

Thursday, October 18th.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to come and fill that place, for us to say the last words of encouragement to those who are around us, and for the the Lord's name to be glorified as we are worshipping Him together. We may not see some or any of them again until we meet in front of the White Throne our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our loving Heavenly Father. This will be a very emotional day for all of us. May the name of the Lord be glorified! Pray for the Lord to use them in their local congregations powerfully!

Friday, October 19th. Visiting with others: Pray for the Lord to use us as we are visiting and teaching the Indian people. Today we also rest, pack, and prepare to leave early the next morning.

Saturday, October 20th. Leaving for Delhi and flying back to the U.S. Pray for safety, unity, and for us (and our luggage!) to make our connections.

Sunday, October 21st. Continue traveling home. Pray for travel safety, health and peace as we are finishing our last hours of travel. We arrive at Fresno at 5:30 pm, which means we will probably stay up all night sharing with family and friends exciting stories!


  1. Be encouraged that you are not doing this thing alone or think that this is just happening by a mere chance or coincidence. All good things come from the LORD and the LORD will use you all in a mighty way and equip you with every possible tool His omnipotent mind knows you will need for this task. "Heavenly Father, I come humbly yet boldly to the throne where You said we could find mercy and help in time of need. I pray for Your precious blood to cover this task that You have planned for the participants from Northside and from India. I pray that You will remove and break every yoke and spirit that is not from You. I pray for Your anointment for everyone involved. I pray for safety and protection for everyone. We rejoice in the hearts that are going to be changed by this event. Most of all, we rejoice that Your name will be glorified in this task. It is in the merciful and powerful of name of Jesus that I pray. Amen"
