Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Meet Liz!

So far, Liz wins for the most creative answer to the food question. :) I also love her answer to the question about her role on the team-- what better answer could any of us have?

Have you ever been to India before? No, but I'm really looking forward to seeing for the first time this country and its wonderful people.

How did you decide to go on this trip? Because of my friendship with the Corrao family. I have heard so much about the work done in India and I can't wait to meet the people there.

What do you feel your role is on the team? My role on the team is to be a servant where ever the need may be.

What are you most excited about doing in India or as part of the team? I'm most excited about meeting the children at the school for the blind.

What do you think will be your greatest challenge? Without a doubt, it will be speaking before the large group of women!

And last of all... What is your favorite Indian dish? It's not really a dish, but what I'm looking forward to the most is Indian Chai.

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